Sonic Farm Berliner, Telefunken V76 Style 2-Channel Tube Preamp





Sonic Farm Berliner, Telefunken V76 Style 2-Channel Tube Preamp

Sonic Farm Berliner, a 2 channel mic/instrument/line tube preamp, is our take on the legendary Telefunken V76, but with some important twists that set it apart from the 50’s original.

Staying true to our “No Cloning” concept, we take the venerable V76 to the next level! Keeping only what is needed to achieve that “to kill for” tone and taking inconsistency, unreliability and one-trick-pony-ness out of the equation!

The front end is a dual pentode variable gain stage with a regulated bias and EF86/EF806 tubes (instead of the discontinued EF804). This stage behaves and sounds exactly like the original.

The output though, is a hybrid circuit borrowed from the Creamer. Without the step-down transformer, it preserves the sweetness and definition of the first stage and offers both transformer coupled and transformerless (switchable) output. We also added instrument (DI) inputs on the front panel and dedicated line input transformers so that this baby can be used to warm up your mixes as well.

The amount of detail Berliner reveals is staggering! And all with that sweet tubey character! It will meet or exceed the expectations of an engineer hunting for the best V76 unit on the used market and add new features that classical tube preamps could’t even dream about.

Technical Specifications

*  Design concept: (tube) pentode hybrid preamp, transformer input and output
2 channels.
*  Switchable input impedance (for mic input only): 900Ohm, 10kOhm, 2.4kOhm.
*  Instrument (DI) input impedance: 3.9MOhm.
*  Balanced line input impedance: 15kOhm (dedicated input transformer).
*  Output mode: Transformer or solid state balanced driver.
*  Low/high frequency shelving boost, corner frequency varies (see manual).
*  Frequency response: 10Hz-50kHz +/- 3dB.
*  Maximum gain: 76dB (mic); 50dB (line and instrument).
*  Gain control range: 36.7dB (for mic input, Pad switch adds another 10dB).
*  Harmonic distortion: <1% before clipping level, quickly decreases if driven less.
*  Maximum output level: 32dBu.
*  Minimum output load: 600Ohm.
*  Connectors: XLR mic and output, balanced only.
*  Instrument input: 1/4” unbalanced, mono.
*  Power consumption: 50W.
*  All supply voltages regulated (including heater).
*  285V Plate voltage for huge headroom.
*  Gold plated printed circuit boards with a double copper layer.
*  Gold plated tube sockets.
2 Cinemag Fe core output transformers (B option).

